為落實聯合國永續發展目標17「永續發展目標全球夥伴關係」,環保署將於本(106)年9月25日假福華國際文教會館14樓會議廳(台北市大安區新生南路三段30號)舉辦「2017國際環境夥伴會議」,包含「國際環境夥伴環保稽查實務交流研討會 (臺、美、越、泰)」及「循環經濟未來創新」等活動,共邀請美國、歐盟、泰國、越南、德國、英國、荷蘭、瑞士、愛沙尼亞、日本、韓國、紐西蘭及薩爾瓦多等13國官員來臺,與各界分享環境執法及循環經濟相關經驗,並將由荷蘭阿爾梅勒市市長Mr. F. Weerwind進行專題演講,分享阿姆斯特丹都會區推動循環城市的成功經驗。活動除配合行政院推動新南向政策工作,與美國、泰國、越南等官員一同分享環保稽查實務經驗;也將邀請歐盟等國際產官界代表就「塑膠」及「剩食」議題交流創新做法及成功案例。環保署期盼藉由相關活動進一步推動雙邊、區域及全球夥伴合作關係,並竭誠歡迎國際環境夥伴踴躍參加各項活動。
Realizing the Vision of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
The Grand Opening for the “2017 International Environmental Partnership Conference” on September 25, 2017
Environmental pollution knows no national boundaries. Many pollutants spread across nations through different media. Thus, pollution is hard for any single nation to deal with, and requires regional environmental cooperation. In light of this, in April of 2014, the Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and founding partner, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, launched the International Environmental Partnership, which allowed Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy nations and other partner nations to come together and strive for the goal of a better global environment.
To implement UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 17 “Global Partnership for Sustainable Development” the Taiwan EPA will hold the “2017 International Environmental Partnership Conference” on September 25, 2017 in the conference hall on the 14th floor of Howard Service International House (No.30, Xinsheng S. Rd. Sec. 3, Daan Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan). The meeting contains the “Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Workshop” and “Circular Economy Innovation of the Future-Circular Economy Global Forum and Working Meeting.” Officials from 13 nations, including the U.S., the European Union, United Kingdom, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Republic of Estonia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, and the Republic of El Salvador will share their experience in environmental law enforcements and issues related to a circular economy. The keynote speech will be given by Mr. F. Weerwind, the mayor of Almere City of the Netherlands, to share the successful experience about how they created a circular city in urban Amsterdam. The activity, apart from assisting the Executive Yuan to promote the New Southbound Policy, will also communicate its environmental protection auditing practices with officials from the U.S., Thailand, and Vietnam; also, we’ve invited representatives from international industrial and political sectors such as European Union to exchange with us their successful cases and innovative approaches towards “plastic” and “leftover food” issues. The EPA hopes to promote international cooperation partnership on a bilateral and reginal tier with these activities, and sincerely welcome environmental protection partners to join the event.
For detailed information about “2017 International Environmental Partnership Conference,” visit: https://events.ier.org.tw/iepc