身為世界公民的一員,中華民國積極參與國際事務,近期作為之一即為主動發布溫室氣體減量的「國家自定預期貢獻」(Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, INDC)書,希望由國家引領企業、人民一起節能減碳、調適作為,以應對氣候變化可能帶來的危機。
行政院環境保護署長期關注聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)組織締約方歷年的會議(Conference of Parties, COP),除引用會議結論作為擬制我國環保相關法規的參考外,歷年來均主動派員參與其周邊會議,以實際行動向國際展現我國在環境議題上永續經營的積極作為。今(2015)年第21次締約方大會(COP21)即將於12月在法國巴黎召開,為此會議、各國需提交的INDC報告,已經陸續公布。
環保署於2015年9月17日在行政院院會提報我國INDC報告書。報告書架構包括:國情現況、撰擬過程與預期貢獻、政策作為及願景。該報告書設定2030年溫室氣體排放量為依現況發展趨勢推估情境(Business as Usual, BAU)減量50%,該目標相當於2005年排放量再減20%。此份報告考量世界趨勢與國家責任,並避免貿易壁壘,鼓勵產業轉型、銜接新法且鼓勵全民參與。配合「溫室氣體減量及管理法」於7月頒布施行,此INDC設定的 2030年排放量恰可作為此法在2050年將排放量降至2005年50%以下的階段性目標。結合兩者,法規完善在先,同步推動在後,顯示我國積極減碳有具體的期程與佈局。
截至2015年11月10日止,全球計有128個締約方及歐盟(含28個會員國)、提交129份INDC,總計的排放量約佔全球溫室氣體排放量90%。各國INDC的提出是針對2014年COP20的 「利馬氣候行動呼籲」(Lima Call for Climate Action)「各國宣告承擔減量責任,共同分擔溫室氣體減量義務」的倡議,所做出的具體回應。據此,我國亦主動提出INDC報告書,分擔世界公民之責,履行義務,共同追求全球的永續未來。隨著減碳目標提出與各項法規的建制,期盼藉由中央與地方、公部門與公私企業合作,全面提升臺灣因應氣候變遷的能力,建立永續低碳的社會。
Taiwan announced INDC target voluntarily to combat climate change
Being a member of global village, Taiwan, Republic of China, has been making its efforts in participating international affairs; the recently announced Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) is one among many. Taiwan government presents its determination on leading its people, along with the cooperation with private sectors, to carry on building a low-carbon-emission society facing the potential threatens caused by climate change.
With constantly concerning on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its annual COPs, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, Taiwan R.O.C. (EPA Taiwan) adopts the meeting results and developments as reference for drawing related regulations and policies. Delegations from Taiwan to attend various COP-related side events have continued more than a decade. Taiwan believes that presenting itself in such an important occasion and joining the UNFCCC’s efforts are meaningful for Taiwan and the world. The COP21 is going to kick off in Paris in late November this year; More than 128 UNFCCC parties have submitted their INDCs, accounting for 90% global greenhouse gas emission.
The INDC of Taiwan was proclaimed on 17th September 2015 in the Executive Yuan’s weekly meeting. Under multifaceted considerations, Taiwan’s INDC report contains chapters on national circumstance, process and contribution, policy measures and vision. The INDC’s target is to achieve a 50-percent reduction below the business as usual (BUA) GHG emission level by 2030, which is equivalent to a reduction of emission by 20 percent below the 2005 level. This report covers several major aspects: international trends and national responsibility, the leverage on trade regulation and facilitation of industry restructuring, and the implementation of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act as well as public participation. Falling upon the promulgation of the GHG Reduction and Management Act earlier in July this year, Taiwan INDC’s target of 2030 reduction level can be regarded as a middle-point goal of this Act, in line with Taiwan’s ambitious commitment to carbon reduction through a steady, step-by-step approach.
As of November 10, 2015, a total of 129 INDCs have been submitted by 128 parties and the EU (28 members). INDC submission is a follow-up to Lima Call for Climate Action, COP20 in 2014, an initiative encouraging all countries to share the responsibility for greenhouse gas emission reduction. Being responsive, Taiwan accordingly announces its INDC to work together with all countries in the world. Taiwan government is expecting that with the specifications of INDC target and GHG Reduction and Management Act, both governmental institutions and private sectors will work together efficiently and effectively to build sustainable future for Taiwan and the world.