環保署為加強台美環境用藥殺蟲劑、毒化物管理及廢棄物灰渣處理等議題之交流,特別於2007年11月29日邀請美國環保署(USEPA)環境用藥與抗微生物製劑管理部門之主管Mr. Frank Sanders及前USEPA廢棄物處理專家李春正博士參加「台美殺蟲劑管理與焚化爐灰渣處理國際研討會」,會議由環保署陳署長重信親自主持,開幕典禮亦邀請農委會蘇主委嘉全蒞會,各界參與踴躍,環保署期望此一研討會,可作為未來我國與其他國家政府機關在環境議題上交流之模式。
環保署指出,為使國內各界能與國際先進管理作法與污染控制技術接軌,特邀請美國環保署(USEPA)環境用藥與抗微生物製劑管理部門之主管Mr. Frank Sanders及前USEPA廢棄物處理專家李春正博士來台進行經驗交流,本次研討會議特就「殺蟲劑、農藥與環境用藥管理」及「焚化爐灰渣處理」等議題進行廣泛討論,在上午議程方面,由美國環保署Mr. Frank Sanders發表「美國現行抗微生物製劑管理」之講題,介紹美國現行的管理措施,提供國內各界參考;另國內部分,分別由行政院農委會與環保署毒管處說明目前國內農藥管理與環境用藥及毒化物管理現況。下午議程方面,則由旅美廢棄物處理專家李春正博士,提供美國「廢棄物焚化灰渣再利用」之經驗交流,同時該署亦邀請東吳大學毛玉麟教授及臺北市政府環保局共同參與,並發表焚化爐飛灰及灰渣處理相關議題。本次研討會參與者於會中進行廣泛探討,討論熱烈。
To foster exchanges between Taiwan and the US on the issues related to pesticide, toxic substance and waste management, the Taiwan EPA invited Mr. Frank Sanders, Director of the Antimicrobial Division of USEPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, and Dr. Charlie C. Lee, former USEPA waste treatment expert, to give presentations at the Pesticides Management and Ash Treatment International Workshop, held on November 29, 2007. The opening session of the workshop was personally conducted by EPA Minister Dr. Winston Dang. The EPA intends to use this occasion as a model for future environmental exchanges between Taiwan and other government agencies.
In his opening remarks, Minister Dang pointed out that in the 1960s, the book "Silent Spring," had aroused the world’s attention to the use of DDT which caused environmental hazards. And in the 1970s, people’s attention turned to the treatment and recovery of PCB waste. In the 1980s, we had to deal with Dioxin emissions. Facing the impact of such toxic chemicals, advanced nations applied their wisdom and came up with control measures and reduction technologies to overcome the challenges one by one. As the government confronts a fast-changing society, it has to ponder how to formulate policies and apply technology to reach a balance between environmental protection and economic development.
To help bridge the gap between domestic industries and advanced foreign management know-how and technologies, the EPA invited Mr. Frank Sanders, Director of the Antimicrobial Division of USEPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, and Dr. Charlie C. Lee, former USEPA waste treatment expert, to come to Taiwan for a dialogue. The workshop’s main focuses were: pesticide, insecticide and environmental agent management and incinerator ash treatment. The morning workshop saw Mr. Sanders deliver a presentation on the Current Status of US Antimicrobial Pesticides Regulation. On the Taiwan side, officials from the Council of Agriculture and the EPA focused on Taiwan’s pesticides management and environmental agent and toxic substance management. In the afternoon workshop, Dr. Charlie Lee gave a presentation on Recycling of Waste Incineration Ash. Dr. Y.L. Mao of Soo-Chow University and Director Steven Shen of Taipei City Environmental Protection Department also gave talks on topics related to incinerator ash and fly ash. Participants actively took part in the question-and-answer sessions following the presentations.
The EPA points out that the day’s event established a platform for exchanges on environmental agents and incinerator ash management, and that such a platform can serve as a model for future exchanges between the industry, government, and academia. Such exchanges will allow Taiwan to gain the benefits of the American experience and better formulate the necessary management measures.